A Group Exhibition
Medialia Gallery is proud to present the foruth annual group exhibition by emerging artists from New York Academy of Art. In years past, only drawings have been exhibited, whereas this year's show will included six painters and two sculptors.
Harvey Citron, a full-time faculty member and coordinator of the New York Academy of Art Sculpture Department, illustrates the emphasis of the Academy:
The New York Academy of Figurative Art's graduate MFA program's curriculum is directed toward students who have, as their primary aspiration, the development of abilities with a focus on traditional techniques. These traditional skills, coupled with contemporary subject matter, produce work that is representative of the human condition as experienced within the society.

The curriculum of the Academy is highly structured throughout both academic years. In the first year, there is an emphasis on the symbiotic relationship between technical and skill development, and future application to independent work. The second year addresses the development of self-directed work, which is the structure of the Diploma Project, and translates into the senior thesis. Throughout both academic years, the students are offered seminars engaging contemporary art and the ideas that drive it. The seminars are a comprehensive lecture series in conjunction with talks and critiques by prominent visiting artists.

Featuring the work of: Schuyler Blanchard • Cornelius Collins • Brent Jones • Michael A. Latka • Roberto Osti • Brent Scowden • Han Jong Shin • Eun Jin Song • Peter Stanicky
June 16th through July 28th, 2007
Schuyler Blanchard
Cornelius Collins
Cornelius Collins
Brent Jones
Brent Jones
Michael A. Latka
Roberto Osti
Roberto Osti
Brent Scowden
Han Jong Shin
Han Jong Shin
Eun Jin Song
Eun Jin Song
Peter Stanicky